Sunday, 20 December 2015

New Start on Designing a Dress!

Hi again :)
This is going to be another *short* post, just because I can't sleep and stuff. (Whoo!)
I've been set this project for English in school, and it's very vague and open ended because all we're given is a prompt sheet with ideas on. It's supposed to be a task where you just further explore Charles Dickens and all his work you're inevitably going to have to study. One of the ideas on the sheet was to recreate a character's costume, and, seeing that Miss Haversham's was a wedding dress, I kind of... well, I would say jumped at the opportunity, but it was more like divebombed. Jumped sounds uncharacteristically graceful for me. After a partially failed attempt at ordering the fabric from ye magical interweb, and subsequently discovering that 'netting' and 'tulle' and 'lace' are entirely separate things, I finally started designing the bodice from an original sloper I made for another project. ("And here's one I made earlier!!")
Thing is, I have a friend who's a dancer and therefore actually in shape (ie a twig but she doesn't like me calling her a twig) and no matter how much I bug her she won't be the model for the dress :'( And there I was,  looking forward to designing for an alternative figure... *sigh*
It's a ridiculous time so I'll sign of and say I'll post a picture of my progress on the dress tomorrow despite the fact that tomorrow is actually today and yesterday is the future and the whole world's going to explode.


Heather xx

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Just a few quick things!

Haven't been doing much crafty stuff recently. The most interesting thing has been decorating the Christmas tree and starting a journal-type book of my favourite recipes and recipes on odd bits of paper that have just been lying around everywhere. Yay. CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE OMG ONLY FOUR AND A HALF DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT TO GO!!!! Ahem.
It's quite sad how much more easily excited I am than my brother, who appears to want to become part of the computer. I'm fourteen for goodness sake, I'm supposed to be all grumpy and bored and complaining about how Christmas is stupid and stuff.
Sidenote: I started teaching myself guitar - thanks YouTube - and therefore feel slightly smug. I'm sure the novelty will wear off but it makes anyone who plays it look awesome. I'll probably be an exception then. Also I've only just got the feeling back properly in my fingertips!

Keep being awesome and stuff.
Heather xx